Flipped Learning Solutions- Best Practices
with Mary Ann Herny
Friday, January 20th, 2017
Join us as we discuss:
Meet Mary Ann:
Mary Ann Herny accidentally fell into the world of learning in the early 1990s when she agreed to help a customer “clean up” some training content. With a background in visual communication and marketing, she immediately felt a connection, and saw that adult learning, like marketing, was all about persuading someone to think and do something differently. She joined a group of learning consultants shortly after and never looked back. Mary Ann has always loved the design challenge – the combination of visualization, a compelling story,physical action and logical structure needed to create an effective learning experience. She especially likes the “big projects” where there are many moving parts needed to teach multiple tasks to multiple audiences in multiple formats. Her experience in learning projects have included gigs in four countries, and have involved learning topics as diverse as vocational trades (how to fix a toilet), telecommunications (how to sell internet services), finance (how to use loan-making systems), healthcare (how upsell to higher-priced products), sales (how to turn operational experts into sales professionals) and agribusiness (how to euthanize a pig). Currently, Mary Ann is working as a Senior Learning Consultant for Briljent in Indianapolis. She has just completed several projects that involve a “flipped classroom” approach and, like most learning professionals today, is always rethinking and improving her methods as customers demand learning that is faster, more effective and more engaging.
Session Details:
7:30 - 8:00 a.m. Registration and Networking
8:00 - 9:30 a.m. Presentation
9:30 - 10:00 a.m. Open Networking
Association for Talent Development - Central Indiana Chapter (ATD-CIC)
PO Box 6206
Fishers, Indiana 46038
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