Talent Development Essentials | ATD-CIC Community of Practice
4th Friday of the Month *Virtual*
Friday, January 22, 2021
Open to Members and Non-Members
8:00 - 9:00 a.m.
The Talent Development Essentials Community of Practice is for people who have responsibilities related to developing or delivering training within their organizations. It’s also for those who are looking for a greater understanding of the Talent Development profession. You don’t need to have “Training” or “L & D” in your title or daily work. If this sounds like you, join us and connect with others to collaborate, contribute, and learn.
This month’s meeting topic: Demonstrating Credibility
In this session on demonstrating credibility, we’ll start a discussion on quick fixes and other solutions for common challenges at different stages of the learning and development process. Sophie Oberstein’s book “Troubleshooting for Trainers” is a great resource we’ll be incorporating into our meetings. The book is available on Amazon.
This discussion will be facilitated by Lisa Robinson, Program Director and Assistant Professor of Practice, University of Indianapolis. Please contact Lisa directly with questions or for more information about this Community of Practice – robinsonll@uindy.edu
About Lisa:
Meet Lisa Robinson, our new Talent Development Essentials Community of Practice Leader!
Lisa brings diverse experience in Talent Development, Human Resources, curriculum development, and consulting. She has over 20 years of experience in organizations including University of Indianapolis, Indiana Farm Bureau Insurance, Bristol Myers Squibb, The ARS Group, and University of Evansville.
In her work, Lisa applies knowledge gained from earning an MS - Education in Learning Design & Technology, and a Master’s in Management. She is also a Certified ScrumMaster.
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A Note about This Community of Practice:
Most Communities of Practice are available to ATD-CIC members only, but the Talent Development Essentials Community of Practice is open to both members and non-members, free of charge.
Communities of Practice have no long-term commitment for ongoing attendance. We’d be delighted to have you join us when you’re available. Registration is requested to ensure all attendees have seating and resources available.
Association for Talent Development - Central Indiana Chapter (ATD-CIC)
PO Box 6206
Fishers, Indiana 46038
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