Our monthly coaching forum is an opportunity to bring professional coaches together to share ideas and questions as well as discuss best practices in coaching. Each coaching forum will be facilitated by Taryn M. Stejskal, Ph.D., or a quest facilitator and focus on a particular topic or area of coaching that is relevant to the participants*. The structure will allow an opportunity for a short presentation-style review of the topic area as well as time for discussion, questions and experiential exercises.
*The coaching forum topics were determined by feedback from 2013 participants.
Coffe and light breakfast served.
Peer Group meetings are free. To attend, you are required to be a CIASTD member.
Please direct questions to Taryn Stejskal, tstejskal@cciindy.com
Association for Talent Development - Central Indiana Chapter (ATD-CIC)
PO Box 6206
Fishers, Indiana 46038
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